Usage of the Pink Moon

Possibilities upon possibilities.

Possibilities upon possibilities.

The Pink Moon as a central design element requires clear rules in order to enable a strong and uniform branding.

It can be used in two different ways. The solid version always is the top layer within a composition. The use of the solid version as a placeholder for other elements such as text, logos or images of any kind is to be excluded.

The purpose of the Solid Version is the factual presentation - the business level. The goal is a clear and objective combination between the solid version and the composition. Large-scale use is to be avoided. Pay attention to a full-surface representation of the Pink Moon.

Dos and Don'ts

The second version is the Shallow version. It can be used as a basic level for images and / or text compositions. The shallow version is used for the emotional representation. This enables multiple uses, regardless of size and section, to create a tense composition.

Dos and Don'ts