Color system

Everything about HEX-Codes and more.

Everything about HEX-Codes and more.

Our primary corporate colors consist of Black, White, Moonshinepink and Sphereblue.

This color system is used to ensure accessibility, simplicity and continuity in all corporate communications. When composing for printing, make sure to use the CMYK values of the colors instead of the HEX code. Otherwise there may be deviations in the color values and the final print result.

In addition to the primary colors, the color system is supported by secondary colors: New Moon Gray, Half Moon Gray and Full Moon Gray.

The primary and secondary colors are completed by two gradients: The gradient from Sphereblue to Black enables emotional branding in a large-scale sense. The use of the gradient is limited to backgrounds and images.

The orientation of the gradient depends on the width of the composition. If the horizontal length (x) of the compositions is bigger than their vertical length (y), then the gradient runs from left / Sphereblue to right / Black.

The gradient from Black to Moonshinepink is intended exclusively for the element of the "Pink Moon". This applies across all compositions and media. The gradient must be created with an angle of -117 °.

The color proportions depend on the respective communication orientation. Not all compositions need all colors.

A - Factual

For secondary / supporting compositions that are related to an emotional main composition or documents, only use Black and White in connection with the secondary colors and Moonshinepink will be used as an decoration.

Example 1: For the PowerPoint templates, the intro / outro slides and all the transition slides will have color category C. All intermediate slides with factual content are shown in color category A.

Example 2: If a post is planned on Instagram, the main composition (image 1) should be emotionally branded with category C. All further information in form of an image (image 2) must then be prepared in terms of category A and must be presented separately from image 1.

Example 3: Contract documents are always created in color category (A). For all other stationaries, it must be ensured that the first contact points are emotionally (C) and consistently branded the same. The content of the stationaries can vary between color categories A and B from case to case.

B – Factual and Emotional

For compositions that quickly have to transfer information in a small space and have to be emotionally charged, a mixture of factual and emotional color category (B) is required. The use of the spot color Moohshinepink should be reduced to a minimum in order not to distract from the content.

Example 1: OnePagers have to transmit a lot of information in a small space. A factually and emotionally balanced presentation (B) is therefore an advantage. It is important to ensure to focus on the factional part and that the spot colors are used specifically.

Example 2: LinkedIn messages keep the visitor‘s gaze through appealing image compositions. Here the balanced color category (B) is an advantage too. In this case the use of Moonshinepink in particular can attract attention and assert itself with its expressiveness over other posts.

C – Emotional

Color category C is available for compositions that require a lot of attention. The aim is to give priority to spot colors and thus promote a high level of expressiveness in order to stand out from chaotic surroundings such as OOH and social media marketing or trade fair appearances.

Example 1: Compositions in connection with company buildings should be branded with color category C as one of the company's first contact points. In this way, a first clear pictorial anchor is set.

Example 2: Print advertisements in journals should always have an emotional composition in addition to the factual content. A distinction is made between color category C or B depending on the possibility and space available.

Example 3: OOH marketing or compositions in connection with significant visitor contact such as trade fair appearances should be branded with color category C. This primarily strengthens the BE-terna brand and gives the viewer or visitor a clear contact point for further contact options.

Dos and Don'ts