
Font style, leading and more.

Font style, leading and more.

BE-terna's corporate font is “Montserrat”.

The Montserrat is used for all compositions that BE-terna presents externally. This includes all digital compositions as well as print products in the marketing, PR and HR.

Montserrat has a clear, structured and easy-to-read look, which combines accessibility and modernity. Together with the design language of BE-terna, this results in a homogeneous and timeless overall picture. The corporate font applies to all external compositions and media.

Only the font styles Regular and Bold are used within all compositions. The font is always used with the optical kerning and a leading of 0.

A left-justified paragraph applies. If a other font alignment for a composition brings advantages, this formatting can be bypassed.

It is always important to put readability in the foreground. The rules presented in the next section apply to light backgrounds. For typography on dark backgrounds, different rules apply according to the color scheme (see below).

System font “Segoe UI”.

The Segoe UI system font is only used for internal communication. The area of application of the font is limited to contract documents as well as email traffic and other internal content. Strict separation from external content must always be maintained.

The font styles Regular and Bold are used within all compositions. The use of italic markings is permitted. The font is always used with the optical kerning and a leading of 0.

Decorative font “Gotcha Regular”.

In addition to the corporate font, we use another font as a decorative font for compositions. This font is used exclusively in the context of HR content. The use is limited to isolated markups such as hints or requests. The use of the font for paragraph text is prohibited.

A typography hierarchy is necessary for a uniform appearance. This ensures a quick orientation within all compositions.

In order to achieve a uniform typography in all formats, the following describes the form factor with which individual text parameters (font size, line spacing, color design) of the respective hierarchy level are to be created. These parameters are dependent on the next higher or lower hierarchy level and must not be changed. All information is given in "point" (Pt) and limited to one place after the comma.

In general, the entire font hierarchy does not have to be used for a composition.
It is also important to use a baseline grid in order to maintain register accuracy and constant distances between the various hierarchical levels. The baseline grid is created based on the respective paragraph font size. The division of the grid results from half the line spacing of the paragraph.

For a better understanding, the following is a summary of the application of the form factors using various examples.

Dos and Don'ts