
A picture is worth a thousand words.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

A imagery defined by mood and tonality has the power to convey feelings and emotions that words cannot.

These evoked feelings and emotions are the catalyst for human decisions. So that‘s why it is important to express the views and intentions of BE-terna through the imagery.

The aim of BE-terna is a serious appearance towards its customers and competitors. At the same time, a feeling of helpfulness and closeness to the customer as well as familiarity and stability should be created. This can be achieved through the selection and the color of the images, among other things.

Selection of the images

When selecting the images, a categorization of possible motifs ensures the necessary limitation in the selection process. This makes the image search process easier and saves time with the seemingly endless supply of stock images. The first categorization is made in perspective.

The second categorization is made by the content according to the project or the respective business line. Example Businessline Trade – Fashion.

Further possibilities of the imagery

In addition to full-surface images, the use of cut-out pictures is possible. This favors the creation of reduced compositions with objective colors and a focus on content.

The images are displayed in high-contrast gray levels or the colors just mentioned in the previous section in order to enable the best possible inclusion in the color and shape system of BE-terna.