The Pink Moon

Our Brand Story.

Our Brand Story.

The sphere looks even more holistic and perfect than the circle. The next step is to bring the circular shape into a relationship with the moon.

This creates an emotional anchor on which the BE-terna brand story is built.

Meaning of the moon for the earth:
  • With its gravity he ensures the stability of the earth (earth axis of 23.5 °)
  • He ensures a climatic balance
  • He takes care of the change of day and night
  • He takes care of life on earth

Meaning of the moon for BE-terna:

We personify the moon for our customers. With our solutions we create stability and balance for their company. We circle their processes in search of improvements and always will be at their side – just like the moon for the earth.

This service can also be expressed using the color gradient from Black to Moonshinepink. It connects the factual with the emotional level.